Blog on everyday matters for individuals and businesses, tips on marketing strategies, business and personal development and growth.
Are you Happy?
I have to be honest with you, for a long time I did not know and I did not really pay much attention to what happiness
really meant to me. At one point in life, happiness meant one thing, then something else, and eventually, my definition of happiness has totally changed over the years. Every one of us understands happiness differently, and that definition changes when we go through different stages in life. Happiness can be a great relationship with a friend or a significant other, financial stability, a new car, great health, abundance of friends, etc., you name it.
What makes you HAPPY?
Here are a few examples of how people described to me what makes them happy… (more…)
What is holding you back from seeing the Reality?
Some people are so scared to face the reality and see what is behind the curtains that they go against their strong gut feeling or intuition and choose to live in a bubble and believe whatever people throw at them. Moreover, many of us forget that we and people around us create our own reality and belief system, and do not even realize that our reality and beliefs can be easily shifted if we allow others to do that.
Often women are the victims of the lies because we are very trusting that our partners would tell us the truth no

matter what. I am not saying that it cannot be the other way around, just that we as women tend to trust and believe the words we hear more than our intuition. Words can be so powerful that some of us lose the sense of what is real and what is not. It is not new that women are usually good at expressing what they are feeling, while men tend to be more closed up. So for us, women, when a man starts talking and expressing their feeling we want to believe every word they are saying because this is not a very common thing and we seek for communication and support.
Are you ready to FACE YOU?
I am sure everyone has some relationship issues at one time or another. Some of us will settle to be in a bad relationship, while others choose to improve things or dig deep into their lives and make some big decisions.
Before you do anything, before you make any decisions, before you act, you need to understand what is really going on. Many, so called “experts”, offer different step by step guides how to deal with certain issues or people who try to control or manipulate. The truth is that these steps usually work when you are in sync with yourself, when you truly acknowledge the situation, know what you want, and accept yourself.
Let’s take a look at the controlling or manipulative relationships. (more…)
You CAN Turn Your Business Around
Sales are dropping. Employee turnover is going up. Cash flow is sinking again. It is getting hard to get people to buy your services or products. You have tried many things – to lower prices, to offer extras, add incentives, advertise more, but nothing seems to work?
Or maybe the business is pretty stable, but you miss that excitement of growth and want to try a new direction, but not sure what needs to change?
Sounds familiar? No worries, in either case it is not over unless you choose to call it quits. You CAN take your business to a better place! (more…)
Time Management – Does It Really Exist?
Would you like to have more hours in your day?
Lately, I had more conversations about this than before, so I thought I’d give you my take on it. I do not really believe in time management; time goes by and if WE do not do anything during that time, it’s gone! Therefore, managing time (i.e. what we do and when) I see more as self-control or self-discipline. Sometimes it can be a business necessity, but in most cases it is our choice to answer a phone call right the second when the phone rings or read/ respond to an email the moment it arrives to the inbox, no matter what we do at that particular moment.
What would extra several hours a day do for you? If you need that, you can make it happen!
Try this: (more…)
New Insights on Digital Marketing. Science Behind It. I recently came across a book called "The Science of Marketing: When to Tweet, What to Post, How to Blog, and Other…
How Do You Market and Advertise Your Business?
7 Steps of Your Marketing Plan That a Dummy Can Follow

You may find many techniques or methods out there, but everything still boils down to the basics. You need to know what you are trying to achieve, who you will be targeting, how, when, and what you’ll do with the results.
Here are 7 basic steps to market any business services or products. You can add more steps in between based on business needs, but you cannot omit any of these steps. (more…)
Get your act together! Do Not Let Your Business Fail.
There are way too many small businesses closing the doors and the small business owners have no idea what they did wrong. Usually there is more than one thing that owners do wrong or not do at all that make businesses fail.
Here are top 5 reasons why a business would fail. (more…)
OVERCOME FEAR in 3 Simple Steps
How many times could you not do things, go places or even speak up because your fear or insecurity stopped you?
- How many opportunities have you missed?
- What exactly are you afraid of?
- Do you know where it comes from?
- How much fear is preventing you from achieving your goals & dreams?
- How would your life look like with a little less fear?
- Do you know how to stop or at least minimize it?
Do you want to double, triple, or even 10x your business?
The only person that is stopping you from doing this is YOU.
Don’t get discouraged, every person does that at some point in life. But very few realize that it is possible to reach your dreams!
And all you need to do is to: (more…)