Blog on everyday matters for individuals and businesses, tips on marketing strategies, business and personal development and growth.
Who is Your Ideal Client? Target Audience
Before you start marketing your products or services you need to identify who’s most likely to buy them – your potential customers. These people keep your business alive and help it grow further. When you’re not sure where to start, just think who would benefit from and who are using similar your products/services.
Let me give you an example. If your product is sports clothing for adults, who would be your potential customers? If you say males or females, the targeting segments would be to broad. If you say people who exercise, you’re getting there. You can narrow down your audience (more…)
How to Not Take it Personally
Let’s face it… You will not be liked by everyone. You don’t like everyone either. Your services or products will not be used by everyone. You don’t run buying everything you’re being offered or what you see at a store either. The truth is we’re all wired differently, we look for different things at different times, and how we see things, what we believe in, and what we need are never constant.
How to Have a Simple, Clear, and Relevant Message
** I love KISS! ** No no no, I know where your mind is going, but this time is not that . I’m talking about the “Keep It Simple Stupid”…
The only way you can grow and expand is when you intentionally make an effort to learn and when you do things that are out of your comfort zone. Just remember the first time you had to talk to a group of people, facilitate a very important meeting, take a flight or even talk to a stranger. How did you feel? Scared? Nervous? A little stressed? This is natural. But things change after 3rd, 4th or 10th time, you know what to expect and these emotions usually take the back seat. You get more comfortable. Every time you’re stepping out of your comfort zone is when you learn new things and create new habits and beliefs. (more…)
HOW TO CHANGE YOUR MINDSET. Would you be a miserable or happy person?
The most effective ways to replace the negative thinking with positive thoughts
Do you ever wonder why so many people tend to be unsatisfied with what they have, where the work or what they do in general? Or why so many of them eventually turn to positive thinking, personal growth and development trying to identify the “rules” of the law of attraction? I think you already guessed the answer.
There is a simple explanation to this – they WORK!
Let me ask you this… what kind of person would you be more attracted to, a positive, confident, and smiling or a grumpy, miserable and negative one? My guess is that you would be leaning towards the positive person.
So why aren’t you that person yet?
Many of us go through different life situations, and it may not possible to feel ecstatic all the time. But it is possible to bounce back quickly and keep yourself uplifted despite of what life throws at you. It is your choice to stay miserable or choose to find good around you and be happy.
I’m not telling you this because everyone is talking about the power of positive thinking. I’m telling you this because I was on an opposite side of the spectrum from the positivity and I can assure you that life changes drastically when you shift your focus from misery to joy and choose to be open to a different perspective.
For many years I was a very skeptical private temperamental individual who was lacking self-confidence and always looking (more…)
HOW TO LEARN WHO YOUR TRUE FRIENDS ARE and WHY people hang around you
Who are your friends? Who do you attract?
If I ask you how many friends you have, what would your answer be? Many people think that they need to have as many friends as they can to feel good and secure. I love people and I need them in my life, but I refuse to call someone a friend that I do not feel good around, someone who does not treat me well and would still pretend to be a good friend, or someone who is not there for me when I need them. In other words, those who call you when they need something from you or when it is convenient for them, and then they forget about you until the next party you throw, these are just the people you know, the acquaintances. (more…)
HOW TO identify and deal with MANIPULATORS and LOW SELF-ESTEEM people
and… WHY this is important
How often do you come across or surround yourself with people who think they’re smarter, wiser, better than you are, or simply try to manipulate or sabotage you (consciously or unconsciously)? I know I do. I also know that I am pretty good at reading people and their energy. So when such people approach me with not so positive energy, they do not realize that I can feel all that and such behavior is simply ridiculous because they think that they’re in charge and in control.
HOW TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES. All about life and work Choices. Why choose
Choices. Choices. Choices. Why do we choose what we choose?
You have no idea how many times I have heard things like oh, I was forced to do this or that, it was not up to me, you just don’t understand I had no choice, etc. All I can say is that these statements are just BS because this is really not true; it is easier to believe that there is no other choice or another way. If you start analyzing your choices, you will quickly realize how fast you will start looking for explanations, or I’d rather often call them ‘excuses’, why you chose one thing or over another or made a decision about something. You will also see that you always have at least two options and you choose the one that is easier on you or based on your preferences and habits, the right choice (just not clear for who), or you’d just pick one randomly. (more…)
HOW TO LET GO OF ANGER AND DEPRESSION. Why are you Angry, Mad or Sad?
Why are you Angry, Mad or Sad?
I have not yet met a person who has never felt down, angry, frustrated, upset, or mad. We all feel negative emotions occasionally, but it does not mean that we are negative or bad people. This is what I call life and those emotions are part of our lives and who we are.
Do you ever think WHY you get angry or mad, and what or who causes those emotions?
I am sure you can think of a situation… a friend said some things that made you mad, you got disappointed when you could not close a deal, you got upset when your significant other did not act the way you wanted them to, or maybe you felt frustration when your boss made you feel unappreciated, etc. Any of these situations, if not addressed, can escalate your emotions beyond anger or sadness and that is just an easy way to depression. (more…)