HOW TO LEARN WHO YOUR TRUE FRIENDS ARE and WHY people hang around you

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Who are your friends? Who do you attract?

If I ask you how many friends you have, what would your answer be? Many pefriendsople think that they need to have as many friends as they can to feel good and secure. I love people and I need them in my life, but I refuse to call someone a friend that I do not feel good around, someone who does not treat me well and would still pretend to be a good friend, or someone who is not there for me when I need them. In other words, those who call you when they need something from you or when it is convenient for them, and then they forget about you until the next party you throw, these are just the people you know, the acquaintances. (more…)

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HOW TO identify and deal with MANIPULATORS and LOW SELF-ESTEEM people

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and… WHY this is important

How often do you come across or surround yourself with people who think they’re smarter, wiser, better than you are, or simply try to manipulate or sabotage you (consciously or unconsciously)? I know I do. I also know that I am pretty good at reading people and their energy. So when such people approach me with not so positive energy, they do not realize that I can feel all that and such behavior is simply ridiculous because they think that they’re in charge and in control.

scared_dog (more…)

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How to be Happy. What is Happiness for you?

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Are you Happy?

I have to be honest with you, for a long time I did not know and I did not really pay much attention to what happinesscpl enjoying sun really meant to me. At one point in life, happiness meant one thing, then something else, and eventually, my definition of happiness has totally changed over the years. Every one of us understands happiness differently, and that definition changes when we go through different stages in life. Happiness can be a great relationship with a friend or a significant other, financial stability, a new car, great health, abundance of friends, etc., you name it.

What makes you HAPPY?

Here are a few examples of how people described to me what makes them happy… (more…)

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How to deal with controlling or manipulative relationship

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angry-woman_free_morguefileHow to recognize and deal with a controlling or manipulative person

Are you being controlled or manipulated by others?

A surprising fact is that every person plays controller or manipulator role at some point in time. You don’t believe that?  Remember when you were trying to convince your friend or a significant other to do certain things your way. I am pretty sure you knew what you needed to say or how to behave to get what you wanted. These situations usually do not reflect who you are or how you normally behave. But there is a certain type of people that cannot exist without controlling others (or so they think), and they tend to manipulate or control others sometimes without even realizing that, while other times knowing exactly what they’re doing.

How you can recognize a controlling or manipulative relationship and how it feels being controlled or manipulated (more…)

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