How to Choose a Career

What is next in my life? What job should I do?

Some of us are very happy with the current situation, job, or just life in general, or at least we do not question those things. Others, on the other hand, constantly seek for ways to achieve more, improve the life, change things, or figure out what they really want to do in life.
The issue is that sometimes we do not know which way to go or what career to choose, or we’re not sure what we want. This happened to me and, I’m sure, to most of us.

2 Step plan to figure out what you want


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How to Choose a Career and Reach your Dreams

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What is next in your life? How to choose the right career.

Some of us are very happy with the current situation, job, or just life in general, or at least we do not question those things. Others, on the other hand, constantly seek for ways to achieve more, improve the life, change things, or figure out what they really want to do in life.
The issue is that sometimes we do not know which way to go or what career to choose, or we’re not sure what we want. This happened to me and, I’m sure, to most of us.

2 Step plan to figure out what you want


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New Year’s Resolution – Goals Setting

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Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

The New Year is coming and you, like most of us probably started thinking about the upcoming year, new goals, ideas, and new beginnings. I’m sure, you also reflect on what was accomplished this past year or whether it was a good year. Some of us would compare the notes to see if the goals set last year were accomplished, while others would not even remember the goals they set.

The fact is that the same pattern occurs every year. When the New Year is approaching, we all want to start some things over, be nicer and kinder, accomplish more, start something new, find someone new, or simply be better off. However, many of us realize that we did not accomplish everything we wanted during the year. Then we set some new goals or reframe the old ones, and promise ourselves that the upcoming year will be different and that we will achieve better results.


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reFocus after Change

How do you keep motivating yourself and moving forward during difficult times?

If I ask “How are you doing these days”, how would you respond?

I hear some people discussing about how bad the economic situation is, that gas prices are going up or that there is no gas, houses do not sell, banks do not give out loans anymore, etc. Others, however, are trying to look for good things and take advantage of the opportunities even during these turbulent times.

Where are you now? Do you see a glass half empty or half full?

Everything depends on how you choose to view things. Yes, you may not believe what I just said, but this is true. It is all about what you say to yourself, what’s in your head, whether you choose to react or respond to the situation, whether you prefer to complain and see only bad things coming to you or you are able to stop for a minute and “smell the roses”, see a thread o of sunshine through the clouds and enjoy the view it as much as you can.


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Why hire me as a Coach

Why hire me?

It is very important to find a coach who knows what he/she is doing, is creative, whom you trust and feel comfortable sharing with. I embody a very direct and no-nonsense coaching style. I can get to the point, the root cause or issue, figure it out, work with you to set actions and move forward without wasting your time and money. As your coach, I will encourage you to push the envelope and take bold, decisive action in your life.

If this style might work for you, I would love to be your coach. If you would like to find out more and see if our partnership might be a good fit , lets have a trial session and we will figure out if this relationship can produce results.


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