HOW TO CHANGE YOUR MINDSET. Would you be a miserable or happy person?

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The most effective ways to replace the negative thinking with positive thoughts

Do you ever wonder why so many people tend to be unsatisfied with what they have, where the work or what they do in general? Or why so many of them eventually turn to positive thinking, personal growth and development trying to identify the “rules” of the law of attraction? I think you already guessed the answer.

There is a simple explanation to this – they WORK!

Let me ask you this… what kind of person would you be more attracted to, a positive, confident, and smiling or a grumpy, miserable and negative one? My guess is that you would be leaning towards the positive person.

So why aren’t you that person yet?think positively, live and grow

Many of us go through different life situations, and it may not possible to feel ecstatic all the time. But it is possible to bounce back quickly and keep yourself uplifted despite of what life throws at you. It is your choice to stay miserable or choose to find good around you and be happy.

I’m not telling you this because everyone is talking about the power of positive thinking. I’m telling you this because I was on an opposite side of the spectrum from the positivity and I can assure you that life changes drastically when you shift your focus from misery to joy and choose to be open to a different perspective.

For many years I was a very skeptical private temperamental individual who was lacking self-confidence and always looking (more…)

Continue ReadingHOW TO CHANGE YOUR MINDSET. Would you be a miserable or happy person?

HOW TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES. All about life and work Choices. Why choose

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Choices. Choices. Choices. Why do we choose what we choose?

many_magazinesYou have no idea how many times I have heard things like oh, I was forced to do this or that, it was not up to me, you just don’t understand I had no choice, etc. All I can say is that these statements are just BS because this is really not true; it is easier to believe that there is no other choice or another way. If you start analyzing your choices, you will quickly realize how fast you will start looking for explanations, or I’d rather often call them ‘excuses’, why you chose one thing or over another or made a decision about something. You will also see that you always have at least two options and you choose the one that is easier on you or based on your preferences and habits, the right choice (just not clear for who), or you’d just pick one randomly. (more…)

Continue ReadingHOW TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES. All about life and work Choices. Why choose

How to be Happy. What is Happiness for you?

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Are you Happy?

I have to be honest with you, for a long time I did not know and I did not really pay much attention to what happinesscpl enjoying sun really meant to me. At one point in life, happiness meant one thing, then something else, and eventually, my definition of happiness has totally changed over the years. Every one of us understands happiness differently, and that definition changes when we go through different stages in life. Happiness can be a great relationship with a friend or a significant other, financial stability, a new car, great health, abundance of friends, etc., you name it.

What makes you HAPPY?

Here are a few examples of how people described to me what makes them happy… (more…)

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reFocus after Change

How do you keep motivating yourself and moving forward during difficult times?

If I ask “How are you doing these days”, how would you respond?

I hear some people discussing about how bad the economic situation is, that gas prices are going up or that there is no gas, houses do not sell, banks do not give out loans anymore, etc. Others, however, are trying to look for good things and take advantage of the opportunities even during these turbulent times.

Where are you now? Do you see a glass half empty or half full?

Everything depends on how you choose to view things. Yes, you may not believe what I just said, but this is true. It is all about what you say to yourself, what’s in your head, whether you choose to react or respond to the situation, whether you prefer to complain and see only bad things coming to you or you are able to stop for a minute and “smell the roses”, see a thread o of sunshine through the clouds and enjoy the view it as much as you can.


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