What holds you back from seeing the Reality
What is holding you back from seeing the Reality?
About the Intuition and more…
Some people are so scared to face the reality and see what is behind the curtains that they go against their strong gut feeling or intuition and choose to live in a bubble and believe whatever people throw at them. Moreover, many of us forget that we and people around us create our own reality and belief system, and do not even realize that our reality and beliefs can be easily shifted if we allow others to do that.
Often women are the victims of the lies because we are very trusting that our partners would tell us the truth no
matter what. I am not saying that it cannot be the other way around, just that we as women tend to trust and believe the words we hear more than our intuition. Words can be so powerful that some of us lose the sense of what is real and what is not. It is not new that women are usually good at expressing what they are feeling, while men tend to be more closed up. So for us, women, when a man starts talking and expressing their feeling we want to believe every word they are saying because this is not a very common thing and we seek for communication and support.